Why You Should Love Your Best Friend

Have you ever considered that your best friend might actually be the perfect match for you? It's not as crazy as it sounds! Think about it - you already have a deep connection, you know each other inside and out, and you're comfortable being your true selves around each other. Plus, who knows you better than your bestie? Check out this comparison between eHarmony and Badoo to see if your best friend could be the one you've been looking for all along.

When it comes to dating, we often overlook the most important person in our lives: our best friend. We're so focused on finding someone new and exciting that we forget about the person who has been there for us through thick and thin. But loving your best friend could be the best decision you ever make. Here's why.

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Unconditional Support

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Your best friend knows you better than anyone else. They've seen you at your best and at your worst, and they love you no matter what. When you love your best friend, you have someone who will always be in your corner, cheering you on and lifting you up when you're feeling down. They'll support your dreams and goals, and they'll always be there to lend a listening ear when you need it.

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Shared History

One of the best things about loving your best friend is the shared history you have together. You've been through so much together, and that connection is irreplaceable. You have inside jokes, memories, and experiences that no one else can understand. When you love your best friend, you're not just starting a new relationship – you're deepening an existing one that's already filled with love and trust.

No Pretense

When you're with your best friend, you can be your true self without fear of judgment. There's no need to put on a front or pretend to be someone you're not. Your best friend knows all your quirks and flaws, and they love you for them. When you love your best friend, you can be completely authentic, and that kind of honesty is essential in any relationship.


It's often said that the key to a successful relationship is compatibility, and who better to be compatible with than your best friend? You already have so much in common, and your values and beliefs align. You know each other's likes and dislikes, and you understand each other's needs and desires. When you love your best friend, you're building a relationship on a foundation of compatibility and understanding.

The Potential for Romance

Loving your best friend doesn't mean you have to give up the idea of romance. In fact, many successful relationships start as friendships. When you love your best friend, you already have the trust, communication, and emotional connection that are essential for a romantic relationship. You know each other's strengths and weaknesses, and you're comfortable around each other. This can make for a strong and lasting romantic relationship.


Loving your best friend could be the best decision you ever make. You already have a deep connection, shared history, and unconditional support. Why not take that relationship to the next level and see where it leads? It could be the start of something truly special. So, don't overlook the person who's been by your side all along – love your best friend and see where it takes you.